Rapeseed is a herbaceous plant whose seeds can provide oil which is used as raw material in the food industry to produce cooking oils, margarines and mayonnaises. In addition, unlike in Argentina, where we use soybeans, it is used in Europe to produce biodiesel. Rapeseeds are twice richer in oil in comparison with soybeans and they are more efficient when it comes to transforming into biodiesel.

As a matter of fact, Viluco’s rapeseed exploitation is meant for export in order to supply the demand of the European industry.

“Rapeseed is different from wheat or chickpeas. Its seed is really small and this caused some difficulties when sowing due to the type of technology in our machines. In addition, we had to face many situations during the harvest period since, due to its size and specific characteristics, it is lost when it is loaded in the machines”.

Ramiro Aznar, Agriculture Manager at Viluco.